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  • aspro -

    Replied to the thread Lista Aggiornamenti [Controllare].

    ## BEGIN ## Version: v4.8 Date: 08.11.2024
    IT ## UPDATE ## - Ora Dungeon Nemere si puo fare anche in singolo. - Ora quando si muore non sparisce piu il buffer. - Ora quando si muore non sparisce piu il pet. - Risolto bug gruppo in guerra tra gilde. -
  • Sandro94 -

    Liked aspro’s post in the thread CANDIDATURA HELPER ATTIVE.

    Like (Post)
    Candidature per il Ruolo di Helper
    Votate il vostro Helper. Rispondete sotto le varie candidature con: :like o dislike Spiegando il motivo del vostro voto. (I voti senza spiegazione verranno cancellati) Grazie.
    Requisiti Minimi
    - Età minima: 18 anni -
  • aspro -

    Replied to the thread Candidatura [H]Luxus.

    Salve, purtroppo la sua richiesta é stata rifiutata per le poche ore che effettive passa in game. Chiudo.
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread Ghid Alchimie.

    Ce este Alchimia? alchimiaa.png - Alchimia este un sistem de rafinare care îți permite să îți îmbunătățești semnificativ personajul. - Poți dezvolta Alchimia doar după ce ai atins nivelul 20. Când a fost implementată? - A devenit utilă și realizabilă
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread Alchemy Guide.

    What is Alchemy? alchimiaa.png - Alchemy is a refinement system that allows you to greatly enhance your character's power. - You can develop Alchemy only after reaching level 20. When was it implemented? - It became useful and achievable with the update
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread Guida Alchiamia.

    Cos'è l'Alchimia? alchimiaa.png - L'Alchimia è un sistema di raffinamento che permette di potenziare al massimo il proprio personaggio. - È possibile sviluppare l'alchimia solo una volta raggiunto il livello 20. Quando è stata implementata? - È
  • aspro -

    Replied to the thread Lista Aggiornamenti [Controllare].

    [align=center][size=30][color=#800080][b]Halloween 2024[/b][/color][/size] [img][/img] [/align]
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread Event Halloween 24.

    Halloween 2024 bannerhall2024.png it4.png (Hidden Content) ro2.png (Hidden Content) en2.png (Hidden Content)
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread DUNGEONURI INTUNECATE.

    Blestemul Tinerilor ~ Întunericul ieșit din Purgatoriu în trecut devine din ce în ce mai puternic. ~ ~ Noua lor putere a declanșat un blestem asupra tuturor tinerilor, reducându-le forța la minim. ~ ~ Gardienii vechilor hărți
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread DROP METALE SI MARMURA.

    Se știe că, pe Metin2, METALELE metallo_magico.png au un rol esențial. Pentru cei care nu știu ce funcție are acest item, o voi explica pe scurt. Acesta ne permite să
  • aspro -


    Barlogul Dragonilor Acest mini-dungeon este un punct esențial în aventura noastră pe server. (Timp mediu pentru acest dungeon 4-5 minute). Va fi accesibil de la nivelul 150. Acest dungeon este destul de particular deoarece de la nivelul 150 la 184
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread Dark Dungeons Guide - Set and Drop Location.

    The Curse of the Young ~ The darkness that emerged from Purgatory in the past is growing stronger. ~ ~ Their new power has cast a curse on all the young, reducing their strength to a minimum. ~ ~ The guardians of the ancient maps
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread SET PVM.

    Hello everyone and welcome to this new guide. thumbsup.png
    As the title suggests, today we are going to analyze the progression of equipment for PvM. The server features 4 PvM sets, in this order: CUSTODIAN, PALADIN, EXPLORER, and ANCIENT. Among these
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread Armor PvP.

    Guide Written by Randeled Hello everyone and welcome to this new guide :thumbsup: LEVEL 170 ARMOR The crafting of the 170 armor can be done through the Blacksmith, who will only spawn on the 5th floor of the Demon Tower. To craft 170 armor, you will need
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread WEAPON PVP.

    Guide Written by Randeled HELLO EVERYONE AND WELCOME TO THIS NEW GUIDE. :thumbsup: LEVEL 150 WEAPONS armi_150.png Upgradable to level 180 weapons No particular notes for these weapons. When rerolling base bonuses, you will find Average Damage and Skill Damage
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread SET PVP.

    Guide Written by Randeled Hello everyone and welcome to this new guide. :thumbsup:
    set_principe.png Upgrading to REGNANT SET
    To upgrade this set, you will need the item REGNANT WATER acqua_re.png, which is dropped from the GLACIAL DRAGON CHEST.
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread GUIDE DROP METAL AND MARBLE.

    Guide Written by Randeled HELLO EVERYONE AND WELCOME TO THIS SHORT GUIDE. :thumbsup:
    As we know, in Metin2, MAGIC METALS metallo_magico.png play a fundamental role. For those who are not familiar with this item, let me explain briefly. It allows us to upgrade an
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread DUNGEON DRAGON GUIDE.

    Dragon's Lair This mini-dungeon is an essential point in our adventure on the server. (Average time for this dungeon: 4-5 minutes). It will be accessible from level 150. This dungeon is quite particular because from level 150 to 184 the final boss will
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread LEVEL 260-299.

    MAP 260 mappa260.png Note: The yellow points represent the metins. The blue square is the entrance to the boss room.
    Map 260, PURGATORY will serve a dual purpose: it will be useful for leveling up and upgrading the POSSESSED set into the DARK set.
  • aspro -

    Posted the thread LEVEL 185-260.

    MAP 185 REQUIRES Little Bell campanella.png
    The level 185 map, DEVIL’S TEMPLE, is one of the most profitable maps on the entire server. Here you can farm AMMALIA and WITCH, which, when farmed correctly, will be your first source of income. You will